This site is intended to serve as an open forum for the citizens of Manassas to discuss the Manassas Public School System, its weaknesses and strengths. The Manassas Public School System is in crisis. With a 75% graduation rate and a recent study ranking it near the bottom of public school systems in the region, the citizens of Manassas can no longer afford to sit back and be satisfied with reassurances from a top heavy,top down management team whose preferred method of communications with the citizens of Manassas appears to be robo calls.
ReplyDeleteThanks for starting the blog. The more outlets we have for talking about our City the better. I've added a link to your blog on my home page.
When and where can we hold Dr. Pope to task over the recent ROI study? Where is the News and Messenger on this report? We need a public forum where someone like me can ask Dr. Pope in a clear, direct, and transparent way how she justifies her salary. There is not a single objective measure of education success where Manassas city comes in above average. Dr. Pope needs to GO.
ReplyDeleteYou're right and though some people might be offended at how direct we may occassionally get on this forum, that directness is a product of sheer frustration. I was stunned, and amused, when people started showing me emails to school board members which were all obviously being forwarded and screened to Dr. Pope. I can understand why some questions would be forwarded to the central office, but the deference and reliance of school board members on Dr. Pope frankly seemed a little bizarre, almost cultish.
I would also like to inform everyone of another issue..
ReplyDelete* they (MCPS) have hired a teacher for the sp.ed @ Baldwin elementary. She is NOT licensed to teach sp.ed in virginia, but they are getting around this by paying her $95 per day and making her a long term sub. what do you think we are going to get for $11.87 per hour? Really? These are eight children who need intervention and education.
Another good call by Dr.Pope and her minions
here are the city school AYP report cards!
ReplyDeleteBaldwin- DID NOT MAKE AYP for the last three years
Metz: Only met it once and only made accrediation with a warning!
Round: met AYP the last three years
Dean: only made it one year in the last three
Mayfield: see metz-they go hand in hand!
Osbourn: see Baldwin- all i can say in pathetic!!! this is our high school!
Hayden: i'm seeing a pattern! two years failed, one year passed, somehow still has its creditation!
Weems: failed! all three years, again see baldwin, osbourn and the others......failing!
Pathetic. Just pathetic.
ReplyDeleteMichael thanks for the heads up on Baldwin. Do you know if the long term sub has any previous experience in the field?
ReplyDeleteIt would seem to me that it would be a step in the right direction if the administration of the City schools were dissolved and we integrated into the county structure. The only thing going on in MCPS is cronyism which is serving a few power brokers at the top at the expense of us taxpayors and the poor children who are stuck in failing schools.
ReplyDeleteFailing and (some) dangerous schools!